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Lamb Ford Sales Ltd. – Forced Labour Report

Report on Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains, 2023.

The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Canada’s Modern Slavery Act, the Act) came into force on January 1, 2024. In accordance with the Act, this report outlines the policies and procedures that Lamb Ford Sales Ltd. (Lamb Ford) has implemented to prevent and reduce the risk that neither forced labour nor child labour occurs in its supply chains or operation

Structure and Activities

Lamb Ford Sales Ltd. is a large central Alberta retailer of vehicles including cars, sports utility vehicles (SUV’s), vans and trucks and employs approximately 70 full and part-time staff. The family-owned business started in Camrose in 1981 and carries a comprehensive line of new Ford vehicles and high- quality used vehicles. Resale of used vehicles includes a small number of exports to states in the U.S.A. Lamb Ford services all makes and models of vehicles through its Quick Lane (lubrication and tires), Service, and Fix Auto Camrose (collision repair) departments. Its Finance department provides customers with a range of options to help purchase and maintain their vehicles. The Parts department supports other businesses and individuals in repairing, upgrading and personalizing vehicles.

Supply Chains

All new vehicles sold by Lamb Ford are purchased from Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, which through Ford Motor Company has its own statement on Global Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency. Used vehicles are sourced from individual (mostly local) owners and provincial dealer- only auctions. A very high percentage of parts sold are sourced through Canadian original equipment manufacturers (O.E.M.s), with the remainder coming from trusted local parts suppliers and occasionally North American suppliers when necessary. The services of trusted local companies and contractors are retained on occasion.

Steps Taken to Prevent and Reduce the Risk of Supply Chain Forced Labour and Child Labour

Lamb Ford stands resolutely against the practices of forced labour and child labour. To help prevent those practices in its supply chain, management has conducted an internal assessment of risks in the organization’s activities and supply chains. The risks are mitigated by using local, Canadian, and in a few cases, U.S.A sources. Suppliers of goods and services are monitored to ensure continued compliance.

The hiring practices of Lamb Ford include gathering information directly and indirectly on potential employees. Conversations with the potential employee, reference checks and discussions with past employers are made. Original documentation to prove identity, such as driver’s licences, passports, and social insurance cards/letters are required of all new hires. No underage person is ever hired by Lamb Ford.

Risk Of Forced Labour or Child Labour Being Used in Lamb Ford’s Business and Supply Chain, and Steps Taken to Assess and Manage That Risk

Parts supply chains carry risks related to forced labour and child labour. The likelihood that Lamb Ford directly employs forced or child labour is extremely low. By sourcing parts mainly from Ford of Canada and local distributors, the risks of supporting forced labour and/or child labour are further reduced.

Measures Taken to Remediate Any Forced Labour or Child Labour

Lamb Ford has not identified or been informed of any forced labour or child labour in its supply chains.

Measures Taken to Remediate the Loss of Income to the Most Vulnerable Families That Results from Any Measure Taken to Eliminate the Use of Forced Labour or Child Labour in Its Activities and Supply Chains

Lamb Ford recognizes that elimination of forced labour and child labour could result in financial hardship for less privileged families. If forced labour or child labour in its supply chains is discovered, Lamb Ford commits to taking action by reporting the information to appropriate authorities. Also, Lamb Ford will, as much as possible, communicate with affected individuals and appropriate authorities to determine what kinds of support and compensation can be provided.

Training Provided to Employees on Forced Labour and Child Labour

The management team at Lamb Ford takes very seriously the harm caused by forced labour and child labour. Management utilizes Canadian government resources, such as those provided by Public Safety Canada, to train and improve the management team in its ability to prevent supporting forced labour and child labour.

Assessment Of Lamb Ford’s Effectiveness in Ensuring That Forced Labour and Child Labour Are Not Being Used in Its Business and Supply Chains

Ensuring the effectiveness of Lamb Ford’s adherence to its principles, including working to prevent forced labour and child labour in its activities and supply chains, is a daily process. Through annual reviews and discussions with managers, Lamb Ford plans to keep this issue current and relevant in the minds of staff. Lamb Ford acknowledges that the entities making use of forced labour and child labour are unlikely to make such practices obvious and visible, and that there is always the potential for such problems to find their way into a supply chain. As of the date of this report Lamb Ford is proud to state that no instances of forced labour or child labour were found in its operations or supply chains.

Report Attestation

In accordance with the requirements of Canada’s Modern Slavery Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity or entities listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable due diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purpose’s of Canada’s Modern Slavery Act, for the reporting year listed above.

Full Name: Brett Denham

Title: Dealer Principle & General Manager

Date: May 24, 2024